Monday, 9 December 2019


Thursday 16 May Wednesday 7 August Or somebody to be my friend I believe this song is about washing away the filth of the world! I am a fifteen-year-old girl, and I believe that this song refers to all the bad in the world, because we have so much bad in this one little world. Friday 20 September wash it all away ffdp mp3

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Five Finger Death Punch - Wash It All Away: слушать бесплатно и скачать Mp3

Saturday 31 August Also not trusting the government. Saturday 11 May Thursday 18 April The American Capitalist Songfacts states that Bathory came up with the name after being amused by a scene involving a five finger punch in Kill Bill 2. Tuesday 27 August Wednesday 31 July Wednesday 24 July Monday 23 September A person who has given up on society and is asking someone to destroy it by means of mass extinction event like global flooding, possibly from divine intervention or by cosmic collision with a meteor.

wash it all away ffdp mp3

Wash It All Away Meaning. Scrobbling is when Last.

I believe this song is about a man who has given up on everything " I've given up on society, up on my family " and he is waiting for the right person to come Wash away all wassh pain and bad memories hence the chorus " I'm waiting here for anyone to Wash It All Away ".

Thursday 25 April Monday 1 July Friday 13 September Saturday 8 June Do you know any background info about this track? What does Wash It All Away mean?

Wednesday 21 August I believe Wash it all Away is about a man wanting to kill himself because of all the hipocracy in the world. Sunday 1 September Thursday 11 July Friday 9 August Wednesday 5 June Our highlights from Reading Festivalfrom rock and roll to getting rickrolled Fest.

Saturday 13 April Login Register Login with Facebook.

wash it all away ffdp mp3

This interpretation has been marked as poor. Email me when new interpretations are posted for Wash It All Away. Friday 3 May Monday 16 September Sunday 8 September Monday 29 April Monday 24 June

wash it all away ffdp mp3

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