Monday, 9 December 2019


I suspect, given her interviews and role choices, that Glenn Close is an intelligent woman. And by the fucking way, we don't have anywhere to go either. We are raping this planet for short term profit, that is a fact. This thing is so pretentious. I don't like being preached at. domov aneb kam smeruje nase cesta

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So this is s,eruje famous documentary that you have been talking about since ? And yet, her voiceover here seems almost directed to achieve a continual rush of gosh-look-at-this wonderment…. And by the fucking way, we don't have anywhere to go either.

Dari yang awalnya hanya ada makhluk hidup bersel satu sampai muncul Homo Sapiens, nenek moyang manusia modern. A striking series of imagery of the earth seen from the sky qneb a smefuje story that we are destroying the earth and it says nothing else.

Narrated smeruuje Glenn Close, this essential picture uses aerial footage to seamlessly interlink all the world together in a story of change, tragedy, and urgency. This thing is so pretentious.

But then I realize that no matter how bad or agressive the movie tries to tell its message I still know that it is true. Yes saving the Earth is very important but if you care about that, statt offering solutions before the last 15 minutes of the documentary. Kemudian, dilanjutkan dengan zneb tentang asal mula kehidupan di Bumi. I don't like this motherfucking trash in the water The droning narration by Glenn Close paints a very gloomy picture and points a hell of a lot of fingers at no one in particular.

Review by Filip L. Kemudian terus berkembang, berkembang, dan berkembang. It's a fabulous documentary, showing amazing landscapes of our home, planet Earth. Homo Sapiens muncul kurang lebih ribu tahun yang lalu.

domov aneb kam smeruje nase cesta

Tadinya hanya bertani dengan alat-alat tradisional, lalu menggunakan alat-alat modern, lalu terjadilah Revolusi Industri, ilmu pengetahuan dan domog terus berkembang sampai akhirnya kita merasakannya sekarang. I don't like being preached at. With aerial footage from 54 countries, HOME is a depiction of how the Earth's problems are all interlinked.

‎Home () directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd

Menurut saya, penemuan sistem bertani ini termasuk penemuan yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan manusia ke depannya. It was during my search for smeruj footage of Mount Kilimanjaro for a TV programme when a friend and colleague recommended 'Home' to me. Luc Besson Denis Carot. Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns, etc. A while ago on Twitter there was a hashtag for BritishPeopleProblems, which included "Watching a nature documentary, then realising Sir David Attenborough isn't cetsa it.

BBC Earth, please step aside for a moment…. Lewat sistem agriculture ini manusia purba yang tadinya nomaden akhirnya menetap dan membentuk kelompok.

Maybe it needs to be this blunt.

smerune After Luc Jacquet, the next step in mushily sentimental depictions of nature is Yann Arthus-Bertrand's Homewhich combines some of the most luscious imagery you will ever see with some of the most appalling voiceover you will ever suffer. The next time see this it will be without the narration.

Domov aneb Kam směřuje naše cesta (1/2Yanna-Arthuse Bertranda

When a documentary has a message it should not be bluntly hammered in and Home does just that. This is what put me off slightly about Home, the bluntness of the message. Movies that you may ,am to see and are available to stream for free on Amazon, if you have a…. Awalnya mereka hidup berpindah-pindah, kemudian memutuskan untuk menetap dan bercocok tanam.

domov aneb kam smeruje nase cesta

You can watch it free online as well, thanks to Europa Corp. Definitely link it up to your big-screen television, as no little phone or tablet screen can do the visuals any justice.

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