Sunday, 8 December 2019


Plotting kmls in Google Earth: I am running Windows XP on my computer. These activities can increase your level in a forum: To report abuse, you need to leave the current Help page. I am assuming this problem is being caused by the fact that if I add up the total size of the kmls that I have saved to "my places" they are somewhere in the neighborhood of 3MB. Sometimes when I try to open Google Earth it just freezes while: myplaces.kml

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Where is in Windows 7? - Google Earth Help

Did this solve your problem? These activities can increase your level in a forum:. These activities can increase your level in a forum: And i just had a DOH! Having a post marked and removed as abuse will slow a user's advance in levels. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Done Cancel Go to forum. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.


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Move saved locations to a new computer

Active 10 years, 3 months ago. Wildmanborneo Created on May 1, Any idea about what I can do to solve these problems? Most of the time to get the files to plot, I have to myplacew.kml the kml with notepad, delete all but one of the points, plot that point, and then myplacess.kml an Excel macro to get the full file back.

Would using a "template" to fill in the data for the kml work better?

Where is myplaces.kml in Windows 7?

Thanks for letting us know about that Kazza: How satisfied are you with this response? I then plot it, which causes this message:. I am assuming this problem is being caused by the fact that if I add up the total size of the kmls that I have saved to "my places" they mplaces.kml somewhere in the neighborhood of 3MB. It then starts plotting just fine at that point usually. Post as a guest Name. Also, I can't just close Google Earth and open it back up when it becomes non-resposive because it still doesn't work.

Myplacrs.kml is code I was handed to mypllaces.kml to get the data we need and therefore I don't know anything about how efficient it is compared to other methods. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.


Myplaces.kmml the KML doesn't have any proprietary information in it, mind posting a link to one of them? Where to look next as I want to move the file to another computer? At any rate, what should I do?

Move saved locations to a new computer - Google Earth Help

When I search my comp for "my places" the size of that file is only mylaces.kml under kb. I am running Windows XP on my computer.

Improving the question-asking experience. I have the same question This question is locked and replying has been disabled. This comment originated in the Google Product Forum. Member levels indicate a user's level of participation in a forum.

To report abuse, you need to leave the current Help page.


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