Saturday, 7 December 2019


The element may consist of titanium or cobalt-chromium or have a surface formed from these materials. Such elements or implants for the musculoskeletal system are generally known, for example, as elements for the knee or hip joint prosthesis. In the implantation of the aforementioned elements, there is sometimes the problem that infections are brought into the surgical area. In such an infection, it is to be feared that the implant just does not grow together with the bone. Thus, it is ensured that after coating with the entire surface of calcium hydroxide layer is coated with and no appreciable decomposition product has formed. mosekar mp3

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The present invention seeks to address a solution to the above problem. Element of an implant for the mosekae system, in particular element of a knee or hip joint prosthesis with a trained for ingrowing or ingrowth of bone cells surface and a functional surface for supporting a counter-element of the knee or hip joint prosthesis, characterized in that for ingrowth of bone cells formed surface with a layer of calcium hydroxide Ca OH 2 is provided.

Furthermore, the present invention seeks to address a method of manufacturing mosekzr an element. The present invention relates to an element of an implant for the musculoskeletal system and in particular element of a knee or hip joint prosthesis with a trained for ingrowing or ingrowth of bone cells surface and a functional surface for supporting a counter-element of the knee or hip joint prosthesis, in which the Ingrowth of bone cells formed surface with a layer of calcium hydroxide Ca OH 2 is provided.

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Improving the biocompatibility of medical implants with plasma immersion ion implantation. Method according to one of claims 4 to 7, characterized in that the counter electrode is formed of platinum. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the mossekar element is coated with hydroxyapatite. With such a coating, the colonization of germs on the surface of the element can be retained.

This transformation takes place within a few days. It has been found that in a physiological medium, i. It has been found that the coating of the element with hydroxyapatite favors the ingrowth of bone cells.

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Thus, it is ensured that after coating with the entire surface of calcium hydroxide layer is coated with and no appreciable decomposition product modekar formed. In this case, preferably with regard to the problem of germ introduction with the element to be implanted, the entire surface of the element is coated with calcium hydroxide.

In such an infection, it is to be feared that the implant just does not grow together with the bone. Element according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the surface formed for the ingrowth of bone cells is provided in vivo with a layer of hydroxyapatite, which is converted from the calcium hydroxide as precursor material.

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For this purpose, the present invention proposes an improved element of the type mentioned. Calcium hydroxide is thus provided on the surface a few days after the operation prior to implantation and hydroxyapatite. Method for producing an element of an implant for the musculoskeletal system, in particular of an element 8th of a knee or hip joint prosthesis, in which a basic body of the element is produced, which has a surface formed for ingrowth of bone cells 4 and forms a functional surface for supporting a counter-element of the knee or hip joint prosthesis, characterized in that the surface formed for ingrowth of bone cells with calcium hydroxide Ca OH 2 is coated.

Such elements or implants for the musculoskeletal system are generally known, for example, as elements for the knee or hip joint prosthesis. Element of an implant for the musculoskeletal system, in particular element of a knee or hip joint prosthesis.

Due to the lack of stability of the Calciumhydroxitschicht on the surface of the element, the element is rinsed immediately after the deposition of calcium hydroxide under distilled water.

Process according to any one of Claims 4 to 9, characterized in that the bath contains between 0. In vivo behaviour of hydroxyapatite coatings on titanium implants: The elements have a functional surface mlsekar supporting a counter element z.

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Element according to claim 1, characterized in that calcium hydroxide Ca OH 2 is deposited from an electrolytic bath on the surface formed for ingrowth of bone cells. In the case of a hip joint prosthesis, one element is a socket to be screwed into the hip bone and the other element is a mandrel insertable into the femoral neck.

According to the device-related aspect of the present invention, in order to solve the above moosekar, the surface of the element allowing the ingrowth of bone cells is provided with a hydroxyapatite.

Hydroxylapatite is preferably provided over the entire surface as a coating on the entire surface. Accordingly, these elements have a surface formed for ingrowth of bone cells. Accordingly, the bone cells find a very good surface for ingrowth on the element, so that not only avoid inflammation by introducing bacteria during surgery, but also achieved by the procedure according to the invention an improved ingrowth of the element.

Rather, it is still preferable to apply calcium hydroxide, which acts germicidal, as a precursor to hydroxyapatite on the surface formed for the ingrowth of bone cells.

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Method and apparatus for augmenting osteointegration of prosthetic implant devices. The electrolyte is preferably calcium nitrate, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate and citric acid. The mating surface can be formed for example by a pin of the element, on which a ball, for example an aluminum oxide ball can be pressed.

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The present invention relates to an element of an implant moaekar the musculoskeletal system, in particular an element of a knee or hip joint prosthesis.

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