Wednesday, 11 December 2019


Also, notice how the stomp causes the scene to blur and pixelate. It references weight, which was what the Crab God took from her. You are commenting using your Facebook account. More praises for Araragi, followed by a Senjougahara-like demand, to accept her since she fell for Araragi. This can be seen as the fact she wants her weight back, hence why in her personal song, she has it. bakemonogatari staple stable

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By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Really, really big improvement. In the next verse, it talks about her harsh words [needles of the words] to Araragi, that these words hurt her to say.

Monogatari 01 - Bakemonogatari OP 01 - staple stable - Hitagi Crab

These 4 slides flashed past quickly between the transition from verse 3 to verse 4, where she changes her mind. Taking the Broadcasting elective means that I can blast Staple Stable through every speaker on campus first thing in the morning and no one can stop me.

Bakemonogatari anime OP staple stable staple senjougahara hitagi. As you would know, one of her most defining objects is the stapler she carries around. This can be to emphasize her tsundere nature as the song plays by comparing it to the clearness of this OP.

bakemonogatari staple stable

Hitagi Senjougahara bakemonogatari staple stable yandere chan. I am unable to find bakemonlgatari with English subtitles in the video, but I will be mentioning the English translation. Notify me of new posts via email.

Staple Stable

Please leave your comments about this analysis and respond to my queries mentioned in the introduction. Senjougahara Hitagi Originally posted by cutegirlsdoingcutethings Originally posted by pinkudaiben Originally posted by gummn Originally posted by kylse Originally posted by nyanpasuminasan Originally posted by mirayama Originally posted by tylonii-chan Originally posted by twotheleft Originally posted by twotheleft Originally posted by animebigworld Series: Modokashi sugiru kyouri Senobishitemita Kyou ha ne kore ga watashi no seippai.

This site uses cookies. These imagery uses real world photos, with animation overlayed on top.

bakemonogatari staple stable

This can be seen as the fact she wants her weight back, hence why in her personal song, she has it. This is ironic as in the series, she has lost her weight, but yet, in the opening, she is seen to have a large amount of weight.

This is supported by these scenes, where she is just walking aimlessly. This is supported by the lyrics where she wanted to stop being in love for a couple of lines. Here, she rejects herself and try to shy away from Araragi. I freaking love this song, so I enjoyed reading the analysis.

Originally posted by twotheleft.

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staple stable on Tumblr

This slideshow requires JavaScript. Blue is seen to be related with faithfulness god damn, her love for Araragi and coldness which was how her attitude was like initially. Blue, Red and Yellow, with monochrome backgrounds.

Another possible interpretation is Stap,e initially wants to think that her love was just fictional, but is actually real. Therefore, the colors red, yellow and blue fits her character, and her opening song, very well.

Monogatari 01 - Bakemonogatari OP 01 - staple stable - Hitagi Crab - video dailymotion

Originally posted by gummn. Staple Stable Chiwa Saitou. Red, Yellow and Blue, is a commonly used set of primary colours.

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